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Data Security Challenges: How Are Those Addressed?

Updated: Sep 17, 2021

Most of the organization's data security strategies are to stay around external threats. Internal threats are never considered seriously.

In the last 20 years, the world has seen greater technology transformation. We are in the digital era now. The advanced technology innovations enabled us to automate making it impossible to possible. We have seen driverless cars, deliveries by drone, tourism to space, and many more are lined up to surprise us every day. Imagine a security leakage and the impact it could create.

In the era of digital, security plays a vital role. Cyber attacks are increased over the period in line with the upgraded technology. As a result, existing organizations had to shut down their operations, and new organizations evolved. The C-team has started allocating considerable budgets to tackle the security issues. Many products evolved to deal with such security threats.

In a broader view, I see security in two ways. One way is a network security and the other way is data security. Within these two categories, the threats can be coming from either external or internal. This article focuses on internal data security to be specific.

Most of the organization's data security strategies are to stay around external threats. Internal threats are never considered seriously. Internal threats originate within the organization either by the current or former employees. Such insider attacks can be by sharing the critical account passwords, sharing files and documents with external users, and so on. It is the hardest part of this issue to tackle.

Let us look at how organizations are solving this issue today:

Employee Adherence to Security Measures

Organizations tackle this issue by providing rigorous compliance training to their employees and take written binding agreements to tackles these issues. This is more of preaching rather than enforcing with automation. Such preventive measures can't stop any leakages.

Data Distribution Beyond the Organization

Organizations use VPNs to protect any data access beyond the organization's network. This is the most used technique to restrict anyone to access applications beyond the VPN connection. But such a technique cannot restrict the user to access the required data.

Restrictions in Accessing Data

Organizations build applications to control the authorized data. Even though it is the best suitable way to control data access, It adds a lot of overhead to the application development and ensures of same restrictions for every new application.

How Abstracta™ can help here?

Abstracta™ is a new standard in data abstraction. With Abstract™, you can unify, fortify, restify and democratize the data sources. It is a four-step process.

  • Unify Data: Onboard your Datasource

    • The data source can be:

      • OLTP databases such as MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle DB2

      • NoSQL databases such as MongoDB

      • AWS S3 bucket

      • Flat files

      • TIBCO Virtual Layer

      • Many more are getting added.

  • Fortify Data

    • Assign Roles

    • Define & Assign Profile Tags

  • Restify Data

    • Create Services using "Service Builder"

  • Democratize Data

    • Use our on-the-fly self-service dashboards to create quick dashboards

Detailed Abstracta™ features are here.

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